♥ She's 21. She's full of craps.
♥ Life is simple, just not easy.
♥ The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything they just make the most of everything that comes
along their way.
♥ You can close your eyes to things you don't
want to see, but you can't close your heart to
the things you don't want to feel.
♥ Things change, people change, and it doesn't mean you forget the past or try to cover it up. It simply means that you move on and treasure the memories. Letting go doesn't mean giving up... it means accepting that some things weren't meant to be.
♥ If today was perfect there would be no need for tomorrow.
♥ Never regret something that made you smile
♥ The only reason people hold onto memories so tight is because memories are the only things that dont change; when everybody else does.
♥ Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain
11:35 PM
Monday, January 16, 2006
Am just simply lazy to update already,
with so many projects in hand,
and upcoming tests.
i'll update once i have da mood.
11:02 PM
Friday, January 13, 2006
shit la..
already finish typing an entry,
abt to post already,
when da comp hangs and exit all internet windows!
niwae as i was saying jus now,
am feeling super duper sleepy.
and very full.
earlier, went to play badminton n tennis.
we stayed in skool for a while to watch da soccer tournament.
then went to eat with da guys.
something was said today,
an opinion,
which sets me thinking.
i guess there's no hope of pursuing it.
we have reached da limitations.
frankly speaking, i'm actually content,
with how things goes and how far i've been.
it's enuf as long as am happy with it.
orite la..
very sleepy already.
11:35 PM
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Every moment gets better,
though nothing big,
but it's cherishable.
at least for now.
in life,
you might be riding high in joy today,
but might be shot down in sorrow tmr.
today i didnt go for java lab,
which starts at 8am.
woke up at 8 sia!
so i came at 10 for maths tut.
today was an entertaining day.
there's this chinese guy,
a friend's friend,
who showed us some of his magic tricks.
it was truly amazing!
i really can't believe da way he show his card tricks.
it was superb man!
really salute him sia!
10:34 PM
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Here it comes again,
the feeling of whether what you did,
or what you did not do makes a difference.
the atmosphere seems different today.
was it something i say?
or maybe it was just da fatigue?
mind goes off wondering.
niwaes, my eyes gonna shut anytime soon.
super duper sleepy.
11:46 PM
Monday, January 09, 2006
Monday, hmm..
not a gd day for me.
i'm feeling quite moody.
my mind keeps going back to da past.
i dunno why,
but memories just keeps flooding my mind.
those happy moments that i've been through.
how i wish i could go back time,
and relive those times.
10:40 PM
Sunday, January 08, 2006
It was raining throughout.
but we still carry on with da plans.
had a small gathering at sentosa,
with da otc peeps.
i actually planned not to go,
cos my grp not going.
lucky got kumar to go with.
i really dun know da ppl there.
it was quite fun.
one by one, all da guys were carried by some of them,
into da rain and into da sea.
i also got drenched sia!
practically, everybody got wet.
it was enjoyable.
those beautiful moments,
were just so unforgettable.
but then, i realize it was just an illusion.
happen just once in a blue moon.
yet, i wanna hang on to those illusions.
cos if it cant happen in reality,
we'll just have to make do with illusions.
well, it's better than nothing.
orite i'm feeling sleepy.
time for bed.
11:12 PM
Friday, January 06, 2006
Today I ran 6 rounds around da track,
that is 2.4km..
for da Will @ TP.
i planned to go further but couldnt take it.
long time lose touch in running.
tmr still need to go back skool.
got biochem extra lesson.
3 hr straight of biochem sia.
orite dat's all for now.
wanna do my java project.
so far managed to get all da basics.
now time to crack my head for da hardest part of all.
nites then.
11:27 PM
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
felt very sleepy today..
i slept during java lab.
me and mas then went library to sleep during edevice lec.
i even slept during jap lec!
suddenly turning into a sleeping pig.
well, dun reli have much to say.
having some thoughts in mind though.
but not sure how to put it into words.
it's kinda so mixed up.
things just happens,
without you knowing it.
but when we expect it,
it dun usually come.
entry is a bit jumble up rite now.
not at a straight mind at da moment.
10:58 PM
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
First day of skool,
and i have a terrible stomachache.
what a bad start man!
niwaes, i got back 2 papers,
edevice and maths.
i was expecting to do better in maths.
but it was da other way round.
now no more fairytale for me.
i guess i have to forget.
and stop dreaming.
time for me to get back to earth
and face da reality.
fairytales only exist only for a while,
or not at all.
is it?
well, it happens to me.
11:54 PM
Monday, January 02, 2006
supposed to have project meeting at 11am,
but woke up at 10.30..
late for half an hour.
after doing project,
me and mas went expo
and bought some stuff at da book sale.
since it's too early,
we hang out at tamp library.
wat a place to be at that time.
actually we went there do some java.
niwae, tmr skool's starting.
1 week fly very fast.
not prepared to be back in skool.
da unwelcoming moment,
term test results!
10:34 PM
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Basically jus slacking at home today.
watch some tv, go online,
and read a book.
for da past few days,
many thoughts are running in my mind.
i was on a verge of making a beautiful moment happen,
something that i can count on,
when things are just not meant for you.
but i let it to a waste.
something i didnt do on purpose.
something i regret.
at times, i wonder
if what i did that make things go wrong.
or is it just me imagining?
simply caught in suspension.
if only i could turn back time,
i would change things
and make them so wonderful,
so unforgettable.
well, dat's an if only.
1:23 AM
happy 2006 guys!
today went out for dinner with family,
at bedok.
my bro's bdae today.
then me n my bros went to tm,
bought some stuffs at popular
and did some shopping.
i havent blog for a few days.
was at OTC camp frm wed.
it was quite fun.
first nite, we went supper at 2am
and only went to sleep at 4 plus.
am looking forward for da FOC camp,
6-day camp!
niwae gtg!