♥ She's 21. She's full of craps.
♥ Life is simple, just not easy.
♥ The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything they just make the most of everything that comes
along their way.
♥ You can close your eyes to things you don't
want to see, but you can't close your heart to
the things you don't want to feel.
♥ Things change, people change, and it doesn't mean you forget the past or try to cover it up. It simply means that you move on and treasure the memories. Letting go doesn't mean giving up... it means accepting that some things weren't meant to be.
♥ If today was perfect there would be no need for tomorrow.
♥ Never regret something that made you smile
♥ The only reason people hold onto memories so tight is because memories are the only things that dont change; when everybody else does.
♥ Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain
1:40 PM
Saturday, April 29, 2006
It's been 2 days back to back i dreamt bout him
all these while,
i thought i managed to overcome those feelings
i was wrong
those dreams keeps reminding me of all da feelings i had towards him
and all those sweet memories
to think bout it,
it's been almost a year
and i cant seem to overcome it
aniwaes, skool's been ok so far
keeps on coming late for skool
first week quite slack
but subjects getting harder
and bag getting heavier too!
today me, mas and qis went to mustaffa centre
to check at handphone price
stuffs there are damn cheap!
da perfumes, deodarants
slack at some cafe for 2 hours
da murtabak there is terrific!
aite dats all for now
2:55 PM
Friday, April 21, 2006
Went to my grandma house today
slack around with my cousins and grandma
cant do dat so often already
skool's starting soon
niwaes timetable is out
good thing is, none of my lessons start at 8am!
monday lesson only start at 12pm!
i got lab almost everyday except for friday
hate wearing shoes
2:55 PM
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Been slacking at home lately
playing maple all day!
my god it's so addictive!
actually planned to go for a jog today
but i'm simply so lazy
however, managed to go swimming yesterday
didnt have stamina though
managed to swim for a while only
been so long since i last excercise
1:55 PM
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
1:55 PM
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
6:50 AM
Da past three days was great
so much things happened
filled with fun and laughter
my uncle finally got married
didnt get enuf sleep though
so many ppl sleeping at my grandma house
i even had to use my bag as a pillow
worst still, we had to wait for hours just to use da toilet!
it's been a hectic and tiring day
yet, it was so enjoyable and memorable
now my grandma got a companion at home,
with da arrival of a new family member
we had been waiting for this day to come
i thought my uncle's not planning to settle down
he proved me wrong
i'm so happy for him
well wishes for him,
may his marriage last forever
2:25 PM
Thursday, April 13, 2006
"Goodbye For Now"
I can still see the light
at the end of the tunnel shine
through the dark times
even when I lose my mind
but it feels like no one
in the world is listening
and I can't ever seem
to make the right decisions
I walk around in the same haze
I'm still caught in my same ways
I'm losing time in these strange days
but somehow I always know
the right things to say
I don't know what time it is
or whose the one to blame for this
Do what I believe what I can't see
And how do you know
which way the wind blows
Cause I can feel it all around
I'm lost between the sound
And just when I thinkI know,
there she goes
Goodbye for now
Goodbye for now
So long
Goodbye for now (I'm not the type to say I told you so)
Goodbye for now
So long (I think the hardest part of holding on is lettin go)
When will we sing
A new song
A new song
We’re still smilin as the day goes by
and how come nobody
ever knows the reasons why
Burry you deep so far
you can't see
If you're like me
who wears a broken
heart on your sleeve
Pains is troubles that
you know so well
Either time don't
It can't or you just won't tell
I'm not the type to say
I told you so
I think the hardest part
of holding on is lettin it go
I don't know what time it is
or whose the one to blame for this
Do what I believe what I can't see
And how do you know
which way the wind blows
Cause I can feel it all around
I'm lost between the sound
And just when I think I know there she goes
When will we sing
A new song
A new song
And you can sing until
theres no song left (song left)
And I can scream until
the world goes deaf (goes deaf)
For every other word
left unsaid you should
have took the time to
read the sign and
see what it meant
In some ways everybody
feels alone so if the
burden is mine then
I can carry my own
If joy really comes
in the morning time
then I'm gunna sit back
and wait until the
next sun rise
[Repeat 2x]
When will we sing
A new song
A new song
12:25 PM
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Da feeling seems to be gone
maybe just for now
u can never predict da future
even though all wounds will heal,
scars still remain
these days arent so good
just not in da mood
feels like just wanna laze around
feels sleepy all da time
simply i'm tired
tired of everything
2:35 PM
Monday, April 10, 2006
What da hell?
just have to spoil my mood
and rub on da wounds
fine..whatever la
cant be bothered rite now
feeling sleepy and tired
angry and sad at da same time
went to geylang with my cousins and grandma just now
in da bus, me and my grandma had a chat bout my late grandad
suddenly i felt like crying in da bus
but tried my back to hold back da tears
missing him terribly rite now
my uncle's wedding coming soon
feels incomplete without him
2:00 PM
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Bad day!
so many misfortunes happen on this unfateful day
first and foremost, i forgot my hp and wallet in a toilet!
for one horrifying moment, i thought i'm gonna lose them
luckily it was still there
but problems didnt stop there
as i was running back to da toilet to get my hp and wallet, my slippers gave way
then,my hp dropped and hit da floor so hard,
while walking with dat pathetic slippers
what a day!
just my luck dat problems come one after another
2:00 PM
Monday, April 03, 2006
Finally, i got to see ari wibowo in person!
though not so near, yet not so far either
but i actually did see him!
wohoo! he's so freaking handsome sia!
me and my cousins reach PS at 1.30pm
waited half and hr under da scorching sun
plus, it's so cramped there with people pushing each other
tak boleh angkat sey
teros angkat kaki jalan
cuma dapat jumpa budak2 anugerah
we ate at kfc and before heading to geylang,
we managed to see ari
at last man!
if only i could take picture with him.. hai
only managed to take his pic from far
niwaes, when we reached geylang,
it was raining so heavily
even da umbrella didnt help
my pants was totally wet!
we went to first lady and they bought baju kurung for my uncle's wedding
we decided to wear light blue on dat day
i cant wait for dat day
still got 2 more weeks to go!
aite wanna go upload pic in friendster