As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts. You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. you just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts. Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.
♥ She's 21. She's full of craps.
♥ Life is simple, just not easy.
♥ The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything they just make the most of everything that comes
along their way.
♥ You can close your eyes to things you don't
want to see, but you can't close your heart to
the things you don't want to feel.
♥ Things change, people change, and it doesn't mean you forget the past or try to cover it up. It simply means that you move on and treasure the memories. Letting go doesn't mean giving up... it means accepting that some things weren't meant to be.
♥ If today was perfect there would be no need for tomorrow.
♥ Never regret something that made you smile
♥ The only reason people hold onto memories so tight is because memories are the only things that dont change; when everybody else does.
♥ Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain
3:30 PM
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Damn the ultra supply computer!
now my thumbdrive got virus man!
some of my folders in the thumbdrive is gone
in fact, a lot of my classmates also got affected
i just finished transferring all my other folders to my computer just in case
btw, my teacher just announced that NUS is opening doors for poly students to become doctors
degree in medicine and dentistry is now open for Biomedical Informatics and Engineering students
isn't that good?! on top of that, UNSW is now offering double degree to us
masters in triple E and biomedical engineering in just 2 1/2 years
so our career prospect is not only as a biomedical engineer in hospitals
hmm.. i'm considering dentistry.. how bout that?
4:15 PM
Monday, January 29, 2007
I've been sleeping a lot for the past few weekson top of that, i've been eating a lot tooand on top, on top of that, i haven't been exercisinginertia problem, once stop, hard to start.. hahaluckily cindy asked me to go swimming tmrif not, i'm just too lazy to bring myself to exercisebtw, i really thought i lost my wallet just nowfor one horrifying second, i was thinking,ezlink gone.. and my IC is inside plus some amount of cash!but to my relief, it was with mas and zhiren they allactually i left it on the canteen table during breakhow careless of me man!and guess what? our all-time non favourite teacher, is holding a bbq for my class!i was really shocked and didn't expect this from rafiqmaybe he knows we don't like him and want to change that.. hahabut still, my impression of him will never change
8:30 AM
Sunday, January 28, 2007
I'm bored right now.. there's no interesting show to watchend up having a chat with my elder brotherhe's already being promoted to a seargentwell i'm happy for him, and for me too! haha we were talking bout getting a topand he told me that he don't mind forking in some money,for the 70 bucks levis top i wanted to buy!but thinking bout it, might as well i buy 2 tops right..he insisted that i buy something costly that is nicei'm in a dilemma right now! haha.. can't wait to go shopping with him man!btw, today is such a smelly dayfirst, there's a smell of cat shit at the bus stopthen smell of vomit in skool lift, and someone just farted in the bus!! omg! so sway!
2:50 PM
Saturday, January 27, 2007
I've never met such selfish people in my life beforeso calculative towards your own friendsmaybe they don't even know the meaning of friendsthey have one just for the sake of competing with youreally man, how can these people survive without having good friends
4:00 PM
Friday, January 26, 2007
It still feels like our first night togetherFeels like the first kiss and it's gettin' better babyNo one can better thisI'm still holdin' on and you're still the oneThe first time our eyes met - it's the same feelin' i getOnly feels much stronger - i wanna love ya longerYou still turn the fire on...So if you're feelin' lonely ... don'tYou're the only one I'd ever wantI only wanna make it goodSo if I love ya a little more than i should...Please forgive me - i know not what i doPlease forgive me - i can't stop lovin' youdon't deny me - this pain i'm going throughPlease forgive me - if i need ya like i doPlease believe me - every word i say is truePlease forgive me - i can't stop lovin' youStill feels like our best times are togetherFeels like the first touchWe're still gettin' closer babyCan't get close enoughI'm still holdin' on - you're still number oneI remember the smell of your skinI remember everythingI remember all your moves - i remember youI remember the nights - ya know i still doSo if you're feeling lonely... don'tYou're the only one i'd ever wantI only wanna make it goodSo if I love ya a little more than i shouldPlease forgive me - i know not what i doPlease forgive me - i can't stop lovin' youDon't deny me - this pain i'm going throughPlease forgive me - if i need ya like i doPlease believe me - every word i say is truePlease forgive me - i can't stop lovin' youOne thing i'm sure of - is the way we make loveAnd the one thing i depend onIs for us to stay strongWith every word and every breath i'm prayin'That's why i'm sayin'...Please forgive me - i know not what i doPlease forgive me - i can't stop lovin' youDon't deny me - this pain i'm going throughPlease forgive me - if i need ya like i doNever leave me - i don't know what i'd doPlease forgive me - i can't stop lovin' you
3:45 PM
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
3:30 PM
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Today's lessons quite slackonly had an hour of lecture and 2 hrs of labwe came late for lecture still can go out and chit chat with Ravi till lecture almost end..hahaas for lab, there's no more lesson, just project timebut as usual, we took that time to chill and do some other stuffbut now i'm rushing for a project due tmrafter this, one down, two more to gocan't wait for this nightmare to be over manhow fast time flies.. it feels like skool just startedbut projects seems to shorten the daysi don't feel the weekendsfriday comes and the next thing you know, it's already mondaybtw, tmr is Kak nana's birthday!!i can't wait to sabo her sey.. muahahahait's gonna be fun.. all against one!but with Kak nana, no one escapes clean
12:45 PM
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Zhiren, Elfaine and I skipped lecture to finish up our Orgcom presentation slidesthen came a call from Mas, saying he wants to see uswe thought he's gonna scold us for skipping lecture just to do his homeworkwe went to the class and saw a note that says there's no Orgcom lesson!!cos he's on leave.. yes we got tricked! it really made my heart jump hearing the news!i was so happy that the lesson i dread most is cancelledBUT.. yes there's a BUTlife's always full of suprisesi got a call from Derrick saying there's actually Orgcom lessoni thought it's another prank and i didnt believe it until he passed the phone to da teacherhe was supposed to be on leave to attend some urgent matterbut he managed to come back on time for our lessondamn how disappointed we werethat moment of happiness disappear just like that
6:00 AM
Monday, January 15, 2007
I planned to go gym yesterdaybut my throat hurts and i had a slight headache so i took an afternoon napi was feeling very cold and had a temperatureand i slept again in the evening,wrapping myself in the blanket without the fanwhen i woke up at 12am, the headache just got worst!took my dinner before taking medicinetoday my fever ceased alreadybut i'm down with a blocked nose!one comes after another!damn weather
4:30 PM
Friday, January 12, 2007
I was real tired after the excursion to CGHwe walked around the place for about 2 hours plus!but the one good thing, we get to go to places beyond the wardsthe ICUs, Accident and Emergency, CT Scan, the laboratories etcit's so cool to see those people working at the labbut too bad they usually recruit people with pure Biomedical Science/Biotech fieldthe last stop was the mortuary!an old man opened the door for us to seeand he also showed a door with a body part.. i don't even dare to take a glance! and had we been there 10 mins earlier, we would have seen a body being put inside
wah lucky man! that would be so scary
1:55 PM
I went to watch Night at the Museum with Mas, Zhiren and Cindy i'v been wanting to catch that show for so long and finally i did! it's so nice la.. very funny you're in trouble dum dum, so you better run run.. haha here's some pictures taken at Toys 'R' Us

3:45 PM
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Guess what's that?
Let's open it..
It's a first aid box made of ice-cream sticks! Cool rite! It's such a pity that the teacher is going to keep it instead of me! haha
3:30 PM
Argh!! My thighs hurt like hell man!actually that's all i wanna say.. hehei just wanna post some pictures
2:50 PM
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Shit man.. i could feel that my legs is going to acheit's gonna hurt so bad tmr for surei played badminton with Radhiah and Masthen went to gym for a runand forgot to warm-up! how silly can that be!i hope it'll go away by thursdayi wanna go swim!aite i'll have to divert back my attention to Bioinformaticschaos
3:55 PM
Monday, January 08, 2007
Just one question is enough to create more questions
i hope i don't have to answer that
it has been going on for years
it has become part and parcel of our life and we're used to it
somehow, it seems to get worst
i hope it's not what it seems to be
what's happening?
5:40 PM
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Yay! Finally i bought the Charles & Keith sandalbeen wanting to get that since don't know how long..hahayesterday went to Tamp Mall but my size finish alreadywent to check out at City Link and Suntec still don't haveMas called up Parkway and only Wisma had itand it's the last piece! lucky me.. ahakzby the time i reached home, am just too tired to do anythingin the morning i went to the gym, followed by project and went out hunting my sandal with Mastomorrow i still got project meetingon a sunday! my life revolves around project.. what a sad lifestill got so many project to rush man
12:30 PM
Saturday, January 06, 2007
We went to IMM today to check out the Espirit outlet there
but before that, we went to meet Kak Nana at Bukit Batok for lunch
we tried the wedges at Mac.. ok la quite nice
we planned to take a bus to IMM
but cannot find the bus stop
and ended up taking a cab! haha
we saw this sandal, it's super duper cute la!
too cute that Mas bought it.. haha
cost only 5 bucks
anyway my right hip hurts
think because of yesterday's swim
tmr am planning to go gym =)
The sandal
The sandal is as small as the size of a palm! Cute right?!
3:55 PM
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Sometimes it makes me ponderwhy it all happen when it's not going to lastthat it's going to come to an end somedaysomehow what others do left you caught in suspensionwell, to think positive,being left hanging is better than falling too deep inside
5:15 PM
Monday, January 01, 2007
Me and my brother spent the night at my grandma's place
cos there's so much to cook and she's all alone doing the cooking
my cuzzies from Malaysia came back yesterday night
btw, today i fall asleep at the sofa! haha
cos we slept at 3 plus and i was so tired after helping out with the cooking
My grandma is moving out from Bukit Batok soon
in two weeks' time, they have to leave the house
haish.. that house holds a lot of sweet memories
the remains of my late grandad.. how much i missed him!
things are getting so complicated right now
i'm sure he wouldn't want it to turn out this way
if only he's still here, maybe things won't turn out so bad
i really pity my grandma with what she's going thru
haish.. i just wish i could turn back time and have things to be like the old times
people changes with time
anyway, Happy New Year to all
wish you guys a good year ahead
5:08 PM
Our all time cutest cuzzie