♥ She's 21. She's full of craps.
♥ Life is simple, just not easy.
♥ The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything they just make the most of everything that comes
along their way.
♥ You can close your eyes to things you don't
want to see, but you can't close your heart to
the things you don't want to feel.
♥ Things change, people change, and it doesn't mean you forget the past or try to cover it up. It simply means that you move on and treasure the memories. Letting go doesn't mean giving up... it means accepting that some things weren't meant to be.
♥ If today was perfect there would be no need for tomorrow.
♥ Never regret something that made you smile
♥ The only reason people hold onto memories so tight is because memories are the only things that dont change; when everybody else does.
♥ Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain
2:15 PM
Friday, June 29, 2007
12:50 AM
A lot of things has been going on
it just happens so fast
btw, my shoulder is aching like hell!
shouldn't have carried weights
and my left knee hurts cos of yesterday's fall
guess what was i playing?
pepsi cola!! yeah i know it's lame
but who cares.. there's a kid in everyone of us
it was part of remembering the past.. haha
i bumped into Mrs Sheri just now
when was the last time i saw her? hmm..
she's still the same bubbly teacher i used to know
i still remember how she likes to disturb me
in class, she'll be like, 'Raihanah, did anybody die today?'
and make up stories about me having a funeral company
she always have something against me.. haha
i missed her man!
that tells me it's time to call..for a gathering!
9:00 AM
Monday, June 25, 2007
Marriage is once in a lifetime,
the biggest event in your life filled with joy
but i guess not for my cousin
hers is just a small one
no cameraman, no mak andam
lucky my nenek sedara came to help her dress up
as i see her get dressed up, i saw how pity her life is
she felt so helpless
her own mother wasn't there
not even aunties and uncles on her maternal side
but the worst of all,
she didnt get to share her happy moments with her own grandma!
my grandma came with us to her wedding but she didnt go in
she only managed to see from far
before we went in, she passed me a set of jewellery she bought for my cousin,
knowing that my cousin have nothing to put on
those stuff cost her a thousand bucks plus
i see her face so sedih
at that point of time, i felt like crying sey
she couldn't even see her first grandchild get married!
all becos of my stoopid uncle!
he didn't invite my grandma, aunties and uncles
the most cruel person i met on earth!
if only i could just slap him and talk some senses in him!!!!
2:55 PM
Saturday, June 23, 2007
We were given the green light to visit Donald during skool hoursit was really shocking sey that he was admitted to the hospitalhe was just fine the last time we saw himhis condition is quite bad.. he seems to forget and his vision is quite blurhe's got a lump in the middle of his brain! and he's very scared.. who wouldn't right?!his auntie said that it was there since birthjust that it's a tiny dotbut still, the doctors should remove it at that timenow to remove it, he has to go for operationand the risk is quite high.. hopes he get well soonbtw, i had a meet up with Maryam and beloved Mr Ridzuan at Popeyeit's been a long time since i last met himand he lost weight..other than that, he's still the same funny guywe had a good laugh and did some catching uphe planned to go fishing together but somehow we decided to go trekking one day!yay! i'm so looking forward to it!it's gonna be a whole lot of funactually he thought of going gunung ledang or mount kinabalu one dayfor that, wait for me to turn 21 k! haha
11:50 AM
Friday, June 22, 2007
The previous entry, all started with beena,
giving titles to all of us
so i did some elaboration
and kak nana made a mistake when it comes to me
i'm innocent ok.. she got the facts wrong.. hehe
Btw, supposedly there's visitors coming from Australia
and my group have to present last yr's project to them
there's only 1 ang moh lady.. byk la punya Australian visitorS
they keep on saying 'impressive' and 'interesting'
when there's nothing much that we say
so much for being nervous.. haha
today really kecohs man!
we played uno and heart attack at canteen and made a big huru hara
we played and laughed till we sweat.. really hectic
3:27 PM
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Beena - My matair, but not matair sejati, cos she's madly in love with Hazwan, and some others like Hanan and Fazly. Scandalous! Everyday is a new guy for hazwan d moz.........
Mas - She got a new crush and his name is Omar. They always wear the same color. And now she is shy with handsome guy no. 1. Another scandal!
Dee - Queen of zombie. And her closest best friend is Clinton! Always come to skool together.
Farah - Indescribable. Selenge tapi sometimes pandai. Bole menang uno.
Qis - Queen of asal bole, anyhow shoot only. Loves to Bullshit a lot!
Kak Nana - Setan no. 1. If we did anything wrong, it's all her teaching! Angel in disguise la tu...
Me - Im not innocent.....!!!! Im d most loyar buruk person in d whole wide a mad person....
And not to forget, Razidah!
Raz - she seems quiet but beware.. same member, loyar buruk!
2:16 PM
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
I had a good swim earlier this afternoon
there's no sun and the water is so cooling
so shiok sey..
at that point of time, i feel like i could swim on and on
but too bad, masa tak mengizinkan
beena says i'm gettin darker!
i think with or w/o sun, i'll still get dark sey
should cut down on swimming and go gym more often
then can see more hunks.. hahakz
btw, huanhuan finally talks man!
8:35 AM
Monday, June 18, 2007
I just finished watching Dhoom 2
wah lao eh! damn nice la the show!
i've been wanting to watch the show ever since it started showing
and finally i watched it.. i know it's very long already.. haha
now the song is stuck in my head
dhoom machale, dhoom machale dhoom! la la la..
8:15 AM
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Today's my lucky day or what?
i saw him in the gym!!
his smile makes me melt.. hehe
btw, padma has been a real jerk today!
she's been bugging me to write her comment
anyone kind enough to help me?
so at least she can stop being irritating.. haha
and mas is standing behind me, reading my blog
like what padma say, no privacy!
when even she's reading it.. what the..
ok i'm full of crap right now
i'm practically writing down what is exactly happening here
aite.. adios
btw, padma ask me to say that i'm retyping this whole thing
cos just now, somehow, the post is gone!
8:20 AM
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I'm like freaking bored la right now
plus my headache makes my day so much worst
i just have to let it pass without my panadol.. haish
the only thing that can cheer me up is,
BULLSHIT!! haha.. been playing a lot of it
i didn't really do much today
even though there's a lot to be done
stress sia with all the algorithms thingy
i think gary got fed up when he have to keep on explaining.. haha
even at times he's confused la.. and what more me?
if he's confused, i'm super duper even more confused
but i dun wanna worry bout it for now
btw, where's my holiday?
we are still stuck in this lab doing the never ending project
time check.. 10 more mins to clock out!!
5:00 AM
Monday, June 11, 2007
Here are some pictures we took last wednesday after gym
we wanted to jump but we used camera phone
so here's the outcome
btw, take a good look at mas.. haha

Nice but Beena step tall only! haha

Help! I lost my balance!

I think Mas needs the toilet urgently.. hehe

After jump

Mas, u're supposed to jump, not run!

Can we start jumping already?

Alright, i'm all set..

But Farah already jumped when we're not

and never jump when we're supposed to.. haha

Jumping on ground?

Ready, get set, and don't go!

Me and Farah kepoh-ing

Half on air, and half on ground

Mas yay-ing for no reason.. haha

Candid shot
10:45 AM
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Finally it's weekends! i'm always looking forward to it
it's the only time for me to relac
i'm so lazy to go out today
just chilling at home, watched some tv,
did some of the progress report
and went for a jog in the evening
i can guarantee tmr confirm body ache! haha
and my shoulder still ache! haish..
i wonder when will it go, so at least i can stop complaining bout it
2:43 PM
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Argh! My shoulder still aches!
even though it's been 2 days since i last went to the gym
funny thing is that usually my legs will ache after running
but it didnt.. just my shoulder that hurts so badly
massage anyone? haha
my dear computer is giving me problems
yeah A-G-A-I-N! It's gone from bad to worst
now i cant transfer anything to my mp4 or handphone
serious sey, i just feel like punching it!
if only it could get better just by doing that
something happened in the bus just now
some guys were cheering in the bus!
kena disturbed sey.. haha
now i have phobia wearing the mentor shirt
8:06 AM
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Today's my lucky day or what?
i saw him in the gym!!
his smile makes my heart cair man.. hehe
i guess i must go again next wednesday same time, same channel
and padma has been a real jerk today!
irritating me right now when i'm blogging,
pestering me to write her comment
bla bla bla
and mas is standing behind me reading what i'm typing
yeah like padma say, no privacy!
when even she's reading it! what the...
ok i'm practically typing what exactly is going on here
there's nothing more for me to say
2:41 PM
Monday, June 04, 2007

Hey kid, you're too young for that car!

My dream car.. anyone to make my dream come true? haha

He seems serious..

and still not smiling!

Deep in thoughts..

and still thinking deeper

My cuzzie, bro and i went to City Hall to find 11 Beach Rd
despite the hot weather, we kept searching till we find it
there's a Levis, Zara, Billabong, Rip Curl warehouse sale
who wouldn't rite?
but to our dismay, the stuff really sucks la!
it was so disappointing.. i think pasar malam ones are more nicer
well, can't really be blamed cos they're selling it real cheap
me and my bro continued walking at Marina to find some tops
my dad gave some money for us to shop
but ended up getting nothing!
it's either there's no size or no other color
when you got the money, there's nothing attractive
but when you're broke, everything seems nice!
irritating right?
alright i'm so tired and gonna hit the bed now
1:17 PM
Saturday, June 02, 2007
I've been headaches for the past few days
and it's really irritating
i went to swim last wednesday and i could only do half a lap
i get giddy when my head gets into the water
and water keeps going inside my nose
and supposedly i wanna go gym today
but thanks to that faithful headache of mine
there was a change of plan
i just hope it will stop soon
it has been bugging me for days