As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts. You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. you just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts. Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.
♥ She's 21. She's full of craps.
♥ Life is simple, just not easy.
♥ The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything they just make the most of everything that comes
along their way.
♥ You can close your eyes to things you don't
want to see, but you can't close your heart to
the things you don't want to feel.
♥ Things change, people change, and it doesn't mean you forget the past or try to cover it up. It simply means that you move on and treasure the memories. Letting go doesn't mean giving up... it means accepting that some things weren't meant to be.
♥ If today was perfect there would be no need for tomorrow.
♥ Never regret something that made you smile
♥ The only reason people hold onto memories so tight is because memories are the only things that dont change; when everybody else does.
♥ Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain
9:11 PM
Monday, June 30, 2008
I almost couldn't get up for driving
reached home quite late from work yesterday
waited for uncle taxi for 1/2 hour sey
it's always like that ever since they change the pick up point
by the time i reached home, it's already 2am
i was late for driving today
and guess who's my instructor today?
Francis again! wee!
there was this long lorry trying to do a 3-points turn on such a small space road
ME: "Wah, difficult ah to drive lorries."
Instructor: "I don't think you'll be driving a lorry in your life."
ME: (laughing) "Oh ya.."
i was too engrossed talking to him,
that i forgot to stop and ended up in a yellow box
he smiled and say, "Welcome to the box."
haha.. seriously, he's so funny la
he's always giving me encouragement
and readily praise each time i got something right
i'm improving on the engine brake
and he likes the way i control the car :)
whenever i get nervous or what because of some impatient drivers,
who don't understand the quote on the back of the car,
'Please be patient. Give us a chance to learn.',
he will always tell me not to worry and all
he's just one mr nice guy la
ps: i think i got a crush on him
hehe :)
he's just one sweet, funny guy.. so gentleman
ok, enough of him
watched Get Smart with Mas just now
and Dwayne Johnson is so cute
after the movie, i was searching for a jeans
and Levis is having a sale
i was eyeing on this pair
it's only 69 bucks..
but there's no size.. damn!
they always have sale for small sizes
so irritating
ended up buying the same pair at a regular price
apparently i had to pay extra 43 bucks for just 2 size bigger!
Isn't he hot?he's got such a sweet smile :)
4:00 PM
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Ok i'm like bored and feeling so lazyplus, i'm having a headache!still gotta go to work later.. haiz..seriously, i think i'm gonna get it more oftenwhen i'm working in the morning, i've got not enough sleepand the days i'm working evening or not working,i sleep too muchthat's when headache starts to set ini tried convincing myself from time to timethat somehow things will go back to the way it used to bebut i was wrongthing is, i'm always holding on to the pastwell, i'm letting it go.. seriously
10:35 PM
Friday, June 27, 2008
9:23 PM
Thursday, June 26, 2008
9:11 PM
Monday, June 23, 2008
Yay i passed my FTT!was expecting to fail cos i didn't really have the time to studylucky i did went for etraili was super tired todayreached home from work yesterday at 2amand had to wake up at 6 plus in the morning!wah.. my body feels heavy one kindand i'm having shoulder aches from all those workinganyways, after i was done with etrail, i had 4 hours to killso i tried to study at Bedok libraryand guess what i was doing?sleeping! hahaserious sia.. i couldn't stare at the book for more than a few seconds!somehow i was moving on..but from time to time, i keep moving back



Farah, what's with the Pink Dolphin? haha

The BIEs

Like makcik sey Mas :)


Droopy eyes

and so we tried to widen our eyes

and we did it!

Moon @ 11pm.. Beautiful :)
12:06 AM
Sunday, June 22, 2008
I'm so shaggedwas working in the morningand had a BIE bbq in the eveningby the time we reached, it was already 9pmbut good thing is, there's still a lot of food! hahawe all came with an empty stomachbut the bad thing is, there's no more drinks!well, glad that they had a bbqit's been a long time since we last catch uphaven't even been meeting up with Mas, Farah and Qis girls, we should catch up again soon aite!the beach again maybe :)
10:22 PM
Thursday, June 19, 2008
It's been very tiring
been working 3 days in a row
and going out after work
tuesday, went to chill out at Bugis and played pool
wednesday, rushed from work to catch Zohan
dun watch that movie!
damn crappy and lame sia
such a disappointment.. and it's Adam Sandler !
he's supposed to be a funny guy
Let's start
Hamzah and Charles
The girls
Faizal, who looks like one instructor! haha
The partner
and we're the champion!
Coaching lessons
This is what happens..

when newbies play pool!
See the face.. so semangat

7:24 PM
Monday, June 16, 2008
A long story to be told..Went for driving today as usualwaited for car 179 and the instructor was a young malay guyafter sitting inside and complaining how hot the weather is,a guy approached the car and claimed that his car is supposed to be 179and he even double checked it twice somemorethen i was like, oh shit.. i went to check my car number againmy car number is 174 la! went back to the car and apologised to the guys and took my stuffi just hope i dun bump into that instructor the next timeso paisey la sey! haha and so i approached car 174 and guess who was it..it's the Baba instructor again! Francis Wong! wee!i just find him cute la.. and he can speak malay you know(and he's still young)gatal eh rai! ;)but seriously, he's very sweethe likes to joke and one thing i like bout him,he likes to read people through horoscope and alland he hit the right spot most of the timeand so anyway, when i enter the car, he was all smiley i told him i went to the wrong carand he was like, "You must have like that instructor"hahabut driving today wasn't so goodwas trying to get the hang of engine breaknow, let's talk about yesterday at worki was observing this ang mohhe was on the phone and at the same time, browsing thru my shopknow why i was observing him?cos he's charming la! hahai guess he's in his early 30sonce he was off the phone, he told me he wants some flowers to bring back to London he was in a hurry cos his flight is departing sooneven though he was in a rush,he was still very nice and patient..not like that nasty customer i encounter the other day.. hpmf!and so he asked me to pick the colors i likeafter paying and all, he was about to go off.. when he turned to me and say,"Btw, you have a nice smile there.. Good night!"wah! i was like standing there in shockheart melting.. haha!ok here's the last storythere was this passenger who approached me and asked me for ATM machinei gave him the directionsand suddenly he was pissed offhe said, "I asked the counter and the person told me to go there,and now you're telling me to go back there? So which one is true?!"i was like oh shit.. who gave him the wrong direction seyand now i kena.. ang moh if they get angry, terok you knowand so i gave him the directions againand guess what?he suddenly smile and thanked mewah.. so fast ah his expression changeminutes later, i saw him againasked him if he managed to find ithe winked at me, and thank me againweird people
9:40 PM
Saturday, June 14, 2008
When my dad told me i've got a letter from NTU, i don't feel like opening iti know it's just gonna be another rejection letterbut then.. when i saw the letter, the envelope looks bigi quickly open and guess what?i got in!!! yay!*heart jumping with joy*couldn't believe it siai shared the good news with bossshe understands if i have to cut down on my working daysor can't even work anymorethat is why i enjoy working where i am plus the colleagues are easy to get alongwell, i can't believe that i'm going back to skooling days :)
10:13 PM
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
After not working for one full week,
waking up early in the morning is such a disaster
10 hours pass by like freaking slow
and i had to left my handphone at home!
i realized it while waiting for the cab
wanted to go back to fetch but i guess it's too late
today felt so lethargic and headache starts to set in
to make matters worst, i had to meet a nasty customer today
such an impatient and demanding customer!!
well, like it or not,
this kind of people exist in customer service line
btw, went to catch KungFu Panda yesterday
was a last minute plan.. but it was worth it la!
damn cute and funny sia the movie

11:20 PM
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Well i'm back.. the trip's been fun!
the theme parks.. the shopping
gonna miss all that
how i wish i could have a house by the beach
the sound of the waves are so relaxing
gonna miss that!
and i'm so gonna miss the kebabs!
they're super nice la
there is like so much different from here
like duh!
it starts to get dark at 5pm,
which is 3pm Singapore time!
and their highway speed limit is 110..
Day 1:
nothing much.. after dinner at BK airport,
i wanted to wash my hands
so i went to the toilet
and saw my brothers and a chinese guy
oops! i went to the wrong toilet!
so confident sia step into the toiletflight was at night..
basically 7 hours in the plane..
watching movies, sleep, eat
Day 2:
reached the Brisbane airport at bout 6 plus in the morning
it was raining heavily.. weather freaking cold!
at the apartment, the weather lagi worst
cos it's right in front of the beach
the wind blow.. fooh!
couldn't go anywhere since it's raining
so we just walked down the streets at night
the use of umbrella is useless
the wind's so strong that our umbrella almost fly off!
Day 3:
love the day's activity..
shopping! haha
Harbour Town is really a good shopping placethe first target was the Rip Curl shopbought loads of stuff
second target, City Beach
and spend morethe stuff there are seriously worth it
did so much shopping for the day
wee! :)
Day 4:
the fun begins.. Movie World!
among all, there's 4 most thrilling rides
first ride, Batwing Spaceshot
it launched super fast and it's 60m high..
my heart like wanna jump out la!
second ride was worst,
the Superman Escape rollercoasterit's much faster! the downhill is almost vertically straight!
i shouted like nobody's business
third was the ScoobyDoo spooky coasterunexpected ride
something like Panasonic in Escape theme park
but so much better..
the coaster even goes backwards
last but not least, the Lethal Weapon!
travelling at 85km/hr, going in loops with your legs dangling in the air,
who wouldn't shout right?
i was so dizzy that i couldn't walk properly right after the ride
but FUN!
Day 5:Dropped by the Australian Fair
headed down to Harbour Town again
more shopping.. haha
the guys went to the beach and pool to swim after that
the waves are fun.. you can't find the kind of waves here
lucky i didnt swim.. cos they were shivering! hahaDay 6:
frankly, it was not that great
the water parks are closedbut the shows are nice
the Sesame Street show..
Dolphine show..
the seal show
and the thing we enjoyed most, is the gift shop
bought loads of Sesame Street stuff
freaking cute la!
Day 7:
flight was at 1145pm and we had to check out at 10am!
left the luggage at the lobby and headed down to Pacific Fair
the shops there are so tempting
but can't do anymore shopping
already packed our stuff and there's too many stuff to bring homewasted some time before heading for airport
one thing i can say, the food in the plane sucks!
didn't eat much..
already had a headache without much sleep
woke up at 6am sey that day
did some sleeping here and there
plane is not the best place to sleep.. seriously
there was a slight turbulenceeven though it was not serious,
it was kind of scary cos the plane wasn't going that smoothly
Day 8:
and here i am.. back in Singapore at 5.45amwent to meet up with Wanting in the evening
been months since i last saw her
and passed her long belated bday present
i'll upload the pics in multiply
there's too many of them
(Gold Coast Trip)
and Jerry's