My 21st celebration went quite well
the main thing is we had fun
doing some catching up
playing games
thanks for coming guys
it was a memorable night :)
it was a tiring week
on Tues, we checked out
took a short nap and i had to work in the evening
and still working evening also the next day
damn tired
on Thurs met jing ting, su and the guys in skool
i had trouble waking up at 7 plus in the morning
went to buy notes and did a bit of studying
i almost.. ALMOST! left my phone in the skool library
we wanted to go to Jurong Point to eat pizza
just outside the library, don't know why suddenly have the urge to check my phone
i searched and searched but couldn't find it
Jing ting told me to go check on the floor in the library
i ran back inside and check the floor
and it was there lying on the floor!!!!
wah damn lucky sia!
imagine if i didn't check for my phone when i left skool
i was so panic
yesterday i got another shock of my life
i was at home all alone
and then the doorbell rang!
my heart skipped a beat
suddenly i thought of the nenek selling the crackers
i was so scared la!
didn't even dare to peep through the hole
still thinking how to go out sia
cos i had to go out for work later on
then when i opened the door to go work,
i saw a piece of paper on the floor
it was actually a postman la! *dengs*
there's a parcel for me
hahaha thinking of it, makes me so silly
i really thought is the nenek sia
Presents from Jing ting, Su, Jimmy, Raymond, Minsheng, Zhongwei, Xinwei, Chunhui,Shahid, JR, Bukhari,Raz, Charles,Alvin, Maryam, Rusydiah, Mei Jun, Farah, Beena, Wanting, Song
More coming

from Mas and Qis

the album is so sweet :)

Went to Whitesands to collect the parcel
the one i didnt open the door yesterday haha
and see the plastic bag!
mak kau.. takde lagi besar ke pe
initially, they didnt give me any bag
can't expect me to hold the box like that
then i asked for a bag, they gave me this very big bag
i was shocked
"No smaller bag ah?"
and it's the smallest
thanks eh
well, at least there's a bag
From Kak Nana and Diy :)
Tigger and greens!
Had fun camwhoring in the chalet The poly peeps

The girls :)
The cake :)
Alvin says we all look so alike